Date : 11 September 2025

Venue : DPU’s DYP Medical College, Pimpri, Pune

  1. Endoscopic Two Handed Cadaveric Temporal Bone Dissection with Endohold

    (5 Hours Per fellow)

    ₹ 20000/- + Applicable SEOCON Registration fee

    $ 800/-

Experience cutting-edge training with our patented endoscope holder & traditional microscopic dissection & visible ear simulator, incorporating haptics for realistic practice in temporal bone exercises .

  1. Microscopic Cadaveric

    Temporal Bone Dissection

    (5 Hours Per fellow)

    ₹ 20000/- + Applicable SEOCON Registration fee

    $ 800/-

  1. Virtual Ear Simulation and

    Temporal Bone Exercises with Geomatic Touch Haptic Device

    (2 Hours Per fellow)

    RS.10000/- + Applicable SEOCON Registration fee

    USD 500/-

Explore our hands-on dissections workshop featuring cadaveric temporal bones dissection with endoscope and microscope & haptic devices

Microscopic Cadaveric Temporal Bone Dissection (5 Hours Per fellow)


$ 800/-

Endoscopic Two Handed Cadaveric Temporal Bone Dissection with Endohold. (5 Hours Per fellow)


$ 800/-

Virtual Ear Simulation and Temporal Bone Exercises with Geomatic Touch Haptic Device (2 Hours Per fellow)


$ 500/-

Workshop Gallery

Explore our dissections, cadaveric bones, and innovative training tools.

The dissections workshop was incredibly informative! The cadaveric temporal bone and 3D printed models enhanced my understanding. The visible ear simulator with haptics was a game changer!

Dr. Smith

assorted handheld tools in tool rack
assorted handheld tools in tool rack


gray computer monitor

Contact Us

Reach out for inquiries about our dissection workshops and simulators.